The De-Evolution into Idiocracy, Pt I

Though Biden won and the insurrection on the Capitol did not succeed in giving the dimwitted despot a second term, we are not suddenly cured of the pandemic of stupidity and chaos.  Covid19 is not the only contagion afflicting us. Crazed cultists living in alternate realities remain active on the social media. Dare I say, America remains mired in darkness, with glimmers of hope, but millions of minds are still poisoned by prejudice, xenophobia, bigotry, trickle-down rhetoric, conspiratorial obsessions with George Soros and Bill Gates, and paranoia about the perils of “socialism”. The Dark Age  afflicting us the past 4 years is not over. Ludicrous rightwing propaganda remains on the dark web and conventional social media, despite Trump being banned.

Idiocracy is the title of a comedy movie directed by Mike Judge, a satire about a future with staggeringly stupid people, seemingly plausible if the IQ-shrinking effects of social media clickbaiting continue on their current downward trajectory. Not all Americans are getting stupider. Rather, just enough to render our political system impotent. A democracy is based on the presumption of a well-informed citizenry voting for qualified candidates and the best one winning. When the news media fail in their sacred mission to inform, and a new system emerges whereby people become trapped in partisan mixtures of facts and fictions, then it’s possible for a con artist to become president.

A misinformed narcissistic clown, Donald Trump, was able to exploit the chaotic media ecosystem and many people became disenchanted with “politics as usual” and voted for him.  With the help of voter suppression laws in key swing states producing an electoral college victory, the seemingly impossible transpired November 8, 2016.  Trump won the presidential election, despite losing the popular vote by 2.9 million to Hillary Clinton. 4 years and two months later, an even more improbable event occurred, the invasion of the Capital by deluded Trump cultists. Aside from formulaic politically partisan explanations, how do we understand this new era in which a pathological liar was allowed to amass 88 million twitter followers and given free rein to lie constantly numerous years? In his 4 years as president, Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims. He told almost 4,000 lies in October 2020 alone as he ramped up his pre-election rhetoric and attacks on Joe Biden. He set a one-day record for lies on Nov. 2, the day before the 2020 election, when he told 504 falsehoods.  Twitter gave the pathological liar a public platform up to January 8, 2021. They suspended his account 2 days after the assault on the Capitol. The obvious question is why did this take so long? What are Twitter’s priorities? Providing factual information as a public service or inciting a maximum number of clicks, followers, and shares?

How did we descend into this Dark Age in which Trump could get elected? It’s not as if all Americans became idiots overnight. My theory is our system of neoliberalism, governance by transnational corporations to the detriment of non-wealthy citizens, has led to discontentment explained in varying ways based on partisan orientation. Conservative news media are filled with narratives crafted by rich white people whereby rich and middle-class whites blame poor whites, minorities, and immigrants for leaching off of “big government”.  These narratives are useful to divert attention away from the decades of American jobs being offshored to Asia and Latin America, the middle class being decimated, wages stagnated, not keeping pace with inflation. Conservative media derive much power from radio pundits with tens of millions of listeners. It’s not just Fox News which has dominated cable TV ratings the past 20 years.

The spreading of Trumpian falsehoods reveals the false promise of the internet of 20 years ago. The fact-checking sites are no match for false clickbait. Getting people to click has taken priority over spreading factual information. This crisis has no viable solutions being discussed. The various partisan tribes being targeted with clickbait continue to wage war online. The once radiantly optimistic predictions for the internet and social media have been replaced by rancorous divisions on these social media.  The “information superhighway” has devolved into a clickbaiting medium for millions of people with eyes glued to their screens. Algorithms designed by the tech overlords reinforce entrenched positions on issues in order to please social media addicts. Inciting reactions to screen-addicted people’s reptilian brains takes precedence over  journalism intended for intellectual enrichment. People enslaved to their digital devices react to clickbait for hostile exchanges on the emotional level of poo-flinging apes. Emojis are exchanged with ease as conscious reflection is too strenuous.

This is how a pathological lying malignant narcissist is able to navigate through the mainstream media where ratings take precedence over factual accuracy. The actual premise of factual truth is sacrificed to separate “truths” for various factions of people. Opinions with no substantiation are dispensed on popular cable programs, mostly Fox’s so-called “news”. Facebook gladly circulated false information prior to its recent censorship regime. Yes, Russian bots served the interests of the motherland as Putin wanted his toadie, Trump, to win. Cambridge Analytica extracted data from 87 million facebook users. Former CEO,  Alexander Nix described questionable practices used to influence foreign elections and said his firm did all the research, analytics and targeting of voters for Trump’s digital and TV campaigns. He boasted of having met Trump when he was the Republican presidential candidate “many times”. Investors in Cambridge Analytica include the family of American hedge fund manager Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon.  A minimum of 15 million dollars has been invested into the company by Mercer, according to The New York Times. Bannon’s stake in the company was estimated at 1 to 5 million dollars.

Long before the rise of social media, there was the issue of news media accuracy and bias.  The term “infotainment” refers to soft news whereby the audience is being simultaneously informed and entertained. Idealizations abound for journalistic integrity prior to the 1987 abolishing of the Fairness Doctrine, because there existed such luminaries as Walter Cronkite, CBS news anchor, and Edward R Murrow who had the audacity to editorialize about the red-baiter Joseph McCarthy, whose paranoia-based smears against “communists” closely resemble utterances by QAnon-addled Trump cultists who insisted that Biden “stole the election”.

The Fairness Doctrine has often been conflated with the allotment of equal time for political candidates.  Fact is, the broader purpose was to “… mandate that broadcasters cover issues of public importance in ways that presented opposing perspectives, operating under a view of free speech that privileged an audience’s rights to diverse voices and views over broadcasters’ narrower First Amendment protections.” The merger of large media conglomerates encouraged by Reagan promoted profits over accountability to dispense accurate and useful information to the public.  As cable TV surged in the 1980’s, competition for viewers amped up. Profits are derived from charging companies for commercials. Low ratings equal low profits. Entertaining viewers is essential for high profits, in contrast to adhering to standards of “hard journalism”, which does not guarantee ratings and therefore profits.

As the era of opinion-based faux journalism began, talk radio pundits like Rush Limbaugh were experts in grabbing people’s attention with enticing narratives, not dissimilar from gossiping at your neighbor’s fence. The folkloric notions about “the liberal media”, “Jews who run Hollywood”, etc. was now allowed to spread nationwide over the airwaves, as rumors once spread like wildfire in a small town. The power of infotainment media was revealed in 1988, when democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis was vanquished by attack ads featuring Willie Horton,  a convicted murderer who received 10 weekend passes from Dukakis. Weekend furloughs were a common practice at that time, quite successful.  Horton’s mug shot appeared in an attack ad,  part of an infamous election-season strategy to stoke fear and racial anxiety among white voters. Infotainment titillation had already peaked the year before, with democratic presidential candidate, Gary Hart’s extramarital affair with Donna Rice being revealed.  Rice was sitting on his lap on the ship, Monkey Business, on the 6/2/87 National Enquirer cover photo. This scandal set the stage for the extremely boring Dukakis to become the democratic nominee, unable to overcome George Bush Sr’s incendiary racism-stoking attack ads.

As the infotainment era aided and abetted the decline of American civilization in the 1990’s. Jerry Springer, Morton Downey Jr, and Maury Povich brought Trash TV to the fore. On 6/17/94 police chased O. J. Simpson in his white Ford Bronco down a Los Angeles interstate.  This was the day Simpson was charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. He was supposed to have turned himself in to face the charges but didn’t. He was declared a fugitive, and a warrant was put out for his arrest.  The announcement of the verdict in O.J. Simpson’s trial was the most-watched event in TV history, drawing more than 150 million viewers.

The descent into idiocracy sped up on Oct. 7, 1996 when Fox News began broadcasting. A clear-cut cultural divide emerged as Fox narrated what liberals think and do, such that other news channels felt compelled to reply. Two news-spheres emerged for the bi-coastals and the heartlanders (although 4 midwestern states, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota tilted towards Biden). Trump figured out by 2011 he was siding with red-state conservatives when he wanted Obama to produce his birth certificate.

I have a birth certificate. People have birth certificates. He doesn’t have a birth certificate. He may have one but there is something on that birth certificate — maybe religion, maybe it says he’s a Muslim, I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that. Or, he may not have one.”

— Donald Trump, March 30, 2011

Trump’s attacks on Obama began in the Tea Party Era in which white conservatives were enraged about a black man being president. The Tea Party arose out of white rage over a “Kenyan Muslim” black man becoming president. The Dark Age sprang from this white rage and alternative versions of “news”, that is, rightwing propaganda led to the disastrous 2016 election. As the #1 online propagandizer,  Donald J Trump poured his perpetual stream of twitter balderdash into the empty skulls of his 88 million Twitter followers. The collective impetus of online and cable TV news media was not enough to cure the millions of warped minds. In this new Idiocracy Era, Trump amassed 74 million votes in the 2020 election, 46.8%, and gained 1,183,561 votes from California major metro voters in San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Riverside, Sacramento, and San Diego. This is 53% more major metro voters as he gained in red state Texas, 770,126.  The spreading of Trumpian falsehoods reveals the false promise of the internet of 20 years ago. The fact-checking sites are no match for false clickbait. Getting people to click has taken priority over spreading factual information. This crisis has no viable solutions being discussed. The various partisan tribes being targeted with clickbait continue to wage war online.

We witness after Trump’s term in office the Idiocracy’s persistence as Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was given committee assignments before having these rescinded. She repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019 before being elected to Congress.  She has promoted racism, anti-Semitism and insane false conspiracy theories such as QAnon.

The MAGA constituency did not sprout overnight, but grew apace under the influence of Trump’s white nationalism, wherein Mexican rapists and people from “shithole” countries were to blame. The demolition of the middle class and bulldozering of the poor was accomplished by predator capitalist profiteers and their puppets in government. Trump is the perfect dufus in charge to distract from this transnational corporate larceny of the government. Look at those people of color entering our previously lilly white nation. America’s descent into austerity is their fault. This is MAGA thinking.

Those who react against progress, against full voting rights for minorities, against corporations’ using Super Pacs to buy candidates, against people of color being shot by white cops, against listening to medical experts on Covid, seem to persist in their dark power. Remember the 2011 Occupy Movement? People who wanted to help lift people out of the oppression by the wealthy were lampooned on Fox News so that the oppression could continue. The forces of greed, prejudice, bigotry, misogyny persist. It is time to ponder what progress means and why America allowed itself to regress. Consider how “progressive” is a pejorative term. This suggests those using it prefer regression.


Joe the Bohemian

My writing for public consumption began as Joe the Bohemian on myspace. My bohemian philosophy of exploration beyond the conventional categorical boxes imprisoning our minds remains the same. The journey of discovery takes us on scenic eye-opening detours, which I call Bohemian Tangents. I welcome all to join me to seek new vistas on topics. You don't have to agree with my tangents. Go off on your own.

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