Bot World II

Bots (spam bots) continue to be an issue, continue to submit comments which won’t appear on my blog unless I approve them. Ironically, a bot attempted to comment on Bot World. If a sentient human read the blog post, they would not attempt to post spam promoting their business. A bot from a hairstyles URL submitted this comment for approval on Bot World:

“Thanks for your posting on this web site. From my own personal experience, there are occassions when softening up a photograph could possibly provide the professional photographer with a bit of an inspired flare. Oftentimes however, this soft clouds isn’t what exactly you had planned and can sometimes spoil an otherwise good snapshot, especially if you anticipate enlarging the item.”
I do not know where or how bots access my blog posts. I have talked to hosting service and not solved this mystery yet. If there are readers interested in my content, they seem to be quiet. They don’t submit comments.

Joe the Bohemian

My writing for public consumption began as Joe the Bohemian on myspace. My bohemian philosophy of exploration beyond the conventional categorical boxes imprisoning our minds remains the same. The journey of discovery takes us on scenic eye-opening detours, which I call Bohemian Tangents. I welcome all to join me to seek new vistas on topics. You don't have to agree with my tangents. Go off on your own.

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