Culture Wars: Trump-Muricans Triggered by the “Woke Mob”

Introduction: Culture Wars are integral for the maintenance of power by the white patriarchal plutocracy, the de facto ruling class of American society. Examples of these include the Willie Horton prison furlough video, used in a political ad,  which got George Bush Sr elected in 1988 after once trailing Michael Dukakis by 17 points in the polls. Rush Limbaugh was the godfather of a-hole culture warriors. He lamentated political correctness, denied global warming, derided tree huggers, and  spewed misogynistic, racist, and homophobic hate fueling the culture wars, amplifying anger in the white male population, thus providing a roadmap for the white male capitalist cabal to maintain and solidify its political power as the U.S. entered the internet and social media eras, where disinformation (bigotry, misogyny, homophobia) could circulate at warp speed.

In the ongoing Dark Age of Retro-Murica, lowlighted by Trump’s presidency, the attempted capitol coup,  and now his bootlickers taking power in the House of Representatives, we have culture wars promoting the values of the White Aristocratic Male Asshole Tyrants, WAMATs, and their female sycophants like Marjorie Taylor Greene (a WFAT) who continue to hold disproportionate political power despite all the gains made by woman, people of color, and the LGBTQ community.

What conservative culture warriors do successfully is trigger rage against various “far left” groups or any aspect of culture that has progressed beyond the Retro-Murica of the 1950’s, populated by white suburbanites, homemaker moms, breadwinner dads in homogenous white neighborhoods with two-car-garage houses and minorities segregated to “ghetto” neighborhoods.  When the Countercultural Revolution of the 1960’s threatened the hegemony of the WAMAT, white male asshole tyranny, Neoliberalism commenced, ushered in by the Lewis Powell memo, a manifesto for the white male aristocracy to crush labor unions and send jobs overseas to boost profits for old white corporate CEO’s and board members. Only recently have women  exceeded 10% as CEO’s of Fortune 500 corporations.

The white supremacist governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, foaming at the mouth with white rage,  promissed to defund diversity, equity, + inclusion (DEI) programs in all colleges and universities. This is after he already blocked a new AP African American History course. In service to male white supremacy, his goal is to restore white male Euro-American-centric history as evidenced by his rage shared by Trump-Muricans against the “woke mob”.

Anger stewing within the white male patriarchy was revealed when Obama was elected in 2008. Even though his republican predecessor George W. Bush had cratered the global economy just before the election, Obama was burdened with cleaning up Bush’s mess. Fox Noise was outraged by Obama’s “big spending” and facilitated the Tea Party, a special group of  WAMATs who “wanted their country back”, astroturfed by FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity and other groups.

Trump gained traction by seeking Muricans angry about Obama being elected, and demanded he provide a “valid” birth certificate. When Obama ridiculed Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, the enraged failed business tycoon was motivated to run for president. His “refreshing” off-the-cuff commentary critical of John Cain, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and other establishment republicans endeared him to angry whites wanting “change”. A political sea change was underway, including befuddled whites impaired by cognitive dissonance who switched allegiance from Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump. Many white Americans distrust mild-mannered intellectuals like Obama, and his blackness added to this distrust, so why not go with Trump who speaks like an arrogant 3rd grader? Uncensored inarticulateness was so refreshing to MAGATS (even before this term was invented).

In this new Murican Dark Age, hardcore anti-semitic white nationalists such as Stephen Miller and Richard Spencer jumped on board the Trump Train. Spencer gave a Sieg Heil (Hitler-style) salute at the August 2017 Charlottesville rally. “You will not replace us” was the white paranoid mantra there. White supremacists all came out of the woodwork for Trump and conventional two-party politics was demolished.

Add to this Murican snafu, the disenchantment of many liberals for Hillary Clinton, the rise of Bernie Sanders, and the end result was many Obama voters stayed home, which tilted enough states to Trump for an electoral college vote victory, even though he lost the popular vote by 2.9 million.

In the debacle of the Trump presidency of unprecented falsehoods and ineptitude that amplified the Covid pandemic and brought on the 1/6/21 attempted capitol insurrection, we suffer from this Retro-Murican Dark Age that persists to this day. Whatever influences emanate from the “woke mob”, the fact remains that WAMAPs maintain power via the lingering power of Trump sycophants in elected office, a situation not unlike the Mafia. Fear is the main modality of power in an organized crime structure. Whatever policies a mob lieutenant may at one time espouse must eventually vanish before subordination to that boss, Trump, even those his many crimes are well known and documented, as we await the legal process to come to fruition and put this dimitted despot in jail  where he belongs.


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Joe the Bohemian

My writing for public consumption began as Joe the Bohemian on myspace. My bohemian philosophy of exploration beyond the conventional categorical boxes imprisoning our minds remains the same. The journey of discovery takes us on scenic eye-opening detours, which I call Bohemian Tangents. I welcome all to join me to seek new vistas on topics. You don't have to agree with my tangents. Go off on your own.

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