Personal Feeling Politics as the U.S. is Trumped

So we liberals have inflicted wounds on the self-esteem of Trump supporters? Let’s see: I’ve been called a “democrap”, “libtard”, been told that I am exactly like all other liberals in wanting “big government to control my life and give me free stuff” as if that’s the totality of my liberal psyche or worldview. I’ve been told I drink mocha lattes at Starbucks, watch Oprah, wage a “war on Christmas” and do various and sundry liberal-snob types of things.

The really amazing thing to me is how effective rightwing portrayals of liberals as some mythical homogenous snobbish group have been. This really gets the water cooler discussions and twitterfests going. Kinda like gossiping at your neighbor’s fence in the old days.

Now discussing specific policies government does, what works and what does not work, that’s too intellectual, that’s for eggheads and academics. These people are snobs and think too much and want to impose the commie NWO on ya. So let’s stick with the conservative talking points and stick with trickle-down policies, more tax cuts for rich people, more tax shelters for corporations, more freedom for corporations to regulate themselves and offshore jobs and pollute for profit. These policies are so effective for helping poor people pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. And look at the burgeoning middle class created by these policies. Oooooh. Our middle class is disappearing? Older people can’t afford their meds and have to work along with receiving social security. The single income middle class family of 40 years ago now needs two breadwinners. How did these things happen? Let me think…..I have a headache now. Oh yeah, it’s Obama’s fault.

Joe the Bohemian

My writing for public consumption began as Joe the Bohemian on myspace. My bohemian philosophy of exploration beyond the conventional categorical boxes imprisoning our minds remains the same. The journey of discovery takes us on scenic eye-opening detours, which I call Bohemian Tangents. I welcome all to join me to seek new vistas on topics. You don't have to agree with my tangents. Go off on your own.


  1. Well Joe, put your arm on an arm rest, your leg on a leg rest and your back on a back rest.

    People who don’t like to be insulted are sure comfortable insulting others. PTxS

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