2017: The Plutocracy Thanks Twittertwerp Trump.

Happy New Year. Best wishes for 2018! Since we’ve finished off a dismal year that eclipses all previous black comedies in its absurd realities, what choice do we have but to hope that 2018 must be better than this god-awful trainwreck of a year. Suffice it to say, capitalism not only survives, it kicked sand in the face of socialism this past year. Trumped up trickle-down economics via corporate CEO’s leading government agencies puts foxes running the henhouses. Whether it’s public schools or public lands, private profit for big corporations is the solution under the “populist” Trump. The assclown in chief highlights the fact of puppet figureheads who distract us while corporate moguls run the government. The Twittertwerp creates fodder for the infotainment MSM while his corporate donors, appointees, and speechwriters run the government. The 40+ year trend of bulldozering social programs continues, such that this once prosperous nation blessed with a huge vibrant middle class slides into a Banana Republic of a burgeoning poor population, a nation that is shadow of its former self. Visions of Trumped Up Trickle Down and antiquated xenophobia are served up like opiates for the masses in this deteriorated version of America.

Consider for a moment Trump’s appointees to cabinet positions. We have the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State. Climate change denier Scott Pruitt heads the EPA. Betsy DeVos advocates for public school money parasites, Charter Schools, which boost private profits with taxpayers’ money. The charade of “government of the people” is now spotlighted with corporate executives who are less interesting to the MSM than the tweets of our assclown CEO, Trump. To state we have entered the Era of Idiocracy rings so true we dare not speak this horrific fact. The Idiocracy has consumed a full year of our lives, 2017.

The Romans, architects of the empire that we currently inhabit, spoke of bread and circuses We have a glorious circus led by Assclown Trump, CEO of Public Distraction and puppet figurehead. The actual rulers thank the Assclown for making their jobs easier.

Joe the Bohemian

My writing for public consumption began as Joe the Bohemian on myspace. My bohemian philosophy of exploration beyond the conventional categorical boxes imprisoning our minds remains the same. The journey of discovery takes us on scenic eye-opening detours, which I call Bohemian Tangents. I welcome all to join me to seek new vistas on topics. You don't have to agree with my tangents. Go off on your own.

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