Bot World

It seems my blog readership is primarily spam bots. Two bot attempts to comment on my blog were blocked today. All comments must be approved by me before being posted. I emailed both “people” or bots who tried to comment and I got error messages for both. Neither e-mail address exists or could be found.

I’ve encountered the bot security procedures where I have identify “all the pictures containing cars/boats/bicycles”. In general, I have to prove “I am not a bot”. The question arises how much bot activity is on the internet?

I spoke to a representative of my hosting service about these spam bot issues. I can attach a captcha bot detection service to screen out bots, but have to pay for this. At the same time, I want to know what percentage, likely miniscule, of actual humans interested in my content come to my blog. I had 22 “visitors” to my blog in one day about a week ago, attempting to comment, so I emailed each individually under the false presumption humans were attached to these email addresses. I thanked each for visiting my blog and wanted to know how they found it, would appreciate any input, etc. I got 5 error messages immediately. None of the 17 remaining blog visitors emailed me back.

Bot World extends beyond the internet. I’ve had two bot (spam) phone calls today. One was selling me car insurance. I went along with the bot person calling me. I told her I already had Geico (cheap) car insurance. She asked if I was a homeowner or renter, and I asked why is that relevant for car insurance. Big pause. Her script or “bot programming” does not have a reply ready for my open-ended question. Thus, her option was to transfer me to I forget where. I answer my phone to investigate this Bot World I inhabit.

2nd phone call: For the 500th time I got a call about social security disability, due to my non-existent inquiry into that which they claim exists. I told the person in the midst of their bot script their information is false, false that I inquired about or sought to obtain social security disability benefits. Of course I blocked this number as I have done 500 times before. But the Bot World circulates this false information and I will get more Bot calls. Just like I get Bot visitors to my blog.

Folks, this Information Superhighway Al Gore told us about two decades is a dystopian cesspool of Bot BS and trigger-inducing click-baiting social media. I play around on facebook, instagram, twitter, and recently got into Tik Tok shlock.

I wonder how many actual humans will read this. If you’re human, thanks for stopping by.

The Phases of the Corporate Welfare Era: 1970’s to the present

An old blog post of mine from 2016, The Welfare State Goes Corporate, Pt. I, continues to be the most popular. I will probe into this issue further today. Politicians lament about America having lost its luster since the glorious postwar era ending in the mid 1970’s. Trump’s MAGA campaign, devoid of originality, capitalized on this fact. Disillusioned Americans clinging to faith in trickle down economics and the elimination of abortion “want their country back”, yet are clueless about how it was taken away or who took it away. It wasn’t a Marxist NWO cabal.

What happened? The United States ascended to unprecedented global power when it won World War II, specifically because Europe and Japan were in ruins. The United States had HALF the world’s gross domestic product at the end of WW2. The Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 established the U.S. dollar as the global currency backed by gold at the fixed price of $35 an ounce. This agreement would work as long as the U.S. had balanced trade. Instead, during the 1960’s the U.S. had trade deficits, meaning that it imported more than it exported. Dollars piled up in European countries and were traded for American gold. America was about to run out of gold reserves. Therefore Nixon made his famous 1971 speech in which he ended the gold standard,  also abandoning the Bretton Woods Agreement that provided stability and unparalleled economic growth for all income strata 25 years.

The 1970’s, not the 1980’s, were when corporate tyranny replaced the social democratic economic infrastructure that had built the world’s largest middle class in the world’s most prosperous country, the U.S.  With the dollar removed from the gold standard, there was a big recession 1973-1975, and a quadrupling of OPEC oil prices. America’s high inflation blues combined with high unemployment became known as “stagflation”. The same year Nixon ended the gold standard, Lewis Powell authored his famous memorandum,  “Attack on the American Free Enterprise System”. The free market ideologues (Milton Friedman, Friedrich von Hayek) rose to fame and set the stage for trickle down economics and corporate tyranny of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

The Scheme 1: The Powell Memo (

Everyone blames Reagan for “trickle down” economics, but these policies were already in place with the dollar meltdown, OPEC oil shocks, and stagflation and Lewis Powell’s  memo to the transnational corporate cabal to take over because the labor unions, leftists, and hippies had “taken over”. “We want our country back”. The key strategy of the TCC (transnational corporate cabal) is to con common blue collar folks that they would get “their” country back even though it never really was “theirs”. Gar Alperovitz notes: “The shuttering of Youngstown Sheet and Tube in 1977, one of the first big steel mills to close in what would become known as the US Rust Belt. At the time, the prospect of such a closure – with all the harm it would inflict on a community whose fabric depended on the presence of a particular corporation – was quite unprecedented, a topic for the national news.”

A social capitalism – RSA (

Already before Reagan took office, the big corporations were implementing “neoliberalism” which translates into cutting taxes on corporations and rich people, slashing welfare programs or any government programs aiding the non-wealthy under the pretext of “facilitating free enterprise” or “the free market”, and deregulating corporations. Japanese car companies created small economy cars succeeding in the gas crisis era. The TCC demanded efficiency and high profits in the new global economy. More profits were to be made overseas, making steel or cars. The transition to a service economy began, meaning manufacturing was offshored. Profits for the rich, shareholders in transnational corporations, were prioritized over American workers, i.e., the non-rich.

These harsh worker-impoverishing policies of neoliberalism, meant corporate welfare replaced social welfare. How did the mainstream media con the American masses, blue collar workforce, to go along with neoliberalism? You see, the big bad government taxes you too much, needs more “pro-business” policies, needs to crush those “Marxist” labor unions. Wedge issues like abortion and the “immorality and decadence of hippies, Marxists, and communists” were written into conservative scripts. When Reagan was elected, America had a charismatic mouthpiece for these wedge issues. With Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority, Bible Belt conservatives were combined with disillusioned blue collar workers who had voted for Jimmy Carter to create the popular support for the new neoliberal regime.

From the 1974-75 Recession to the ‘Volcker Shock’ | A Critique of Crisis Theory (

Since Reagan the next phase of neoliberalism was the financialization of the economy, called “casino capitalism”. Bogus investments were created out of mortgages bundled together in a real estate boom in the first 6 years of George W. Bush’s presidency. These were mortgage backed securities (collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps). This was after the Clinton Tech Bubble crashed just after Dubya stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. The new economy or “new normal” is a series of stock market bubbles, each with limited participants in the non-wealthy strata. Most people didn’t buy lots of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, or Google stock in the early days. The Obama-Trump stock market bubble oozing into the Biden era is largely based on the Fed’s quantitative easing and the dollar’s relative strength compared to the sagging euro and the fact of China’s fake prosperity based on a real estate bubble with ghost cities, many empty buildings. China’s stock market is largely closed, meaning investment dollars still get ballooned in American casino capitalism, stock market bubbles.

In this Covid Era with people permanently opting out of the labor force, not classified as “unemployed”, we have serious labor shortages, artificially lower unemployment rates listed for public consumption. Just a small proportion of people forced home during the initial covid quarantine people can return to work and make “new jobs” statistics look rosey. It’s still a fake economy with enough optimism to keep the stock market high (except during panics about the Omicron variant, polarized Congressional ineptitude, etc). The labor shortage due to Covid gives a rare leverage to workers who can make higher wages for desperate understaffed employers. The axiomatic truth is all bubbles burst. Most of us aren’t sages capable of knowing what odd event will cause the next “correction” or stock market plunge, which I hope is mild, not as bad as the last one under George W. Bush. The labor situation, supply chain disruptions, bad relations with Russia and China, some new unpredicted Covid variant (far worse than Omicron)  could each wreak havoc upon our bubble economy. Stay tuned.

The First “Libertarian” Economists: The Neoclassical School (Menger, Walras, Jevons)

This blog post is from March 13, 2012. It’s significant because I began as a political blogger on myspace and encountered numerous Ron Paul supporters, “libertarians”. At that time, I was not familiar with the Austrian school of free market economics. Usually these libertarians would quote Mises and Hayek, 20th century philosophers, but the Austrian school of free market economics began in the 1800’s.


Lest there be any confusion, I write this as a “left-winger” who believes in “social democracy”,  that is, a strong role of the government in striving for an economy maximizing the growth and freedom potential of ALL citizens regardless of the hierachical  forces of wealth, status, position, ethnicity, gender, etc. that synergize to promote advancement of some select few people to the detriment of the majority of the people. The fundamental economic talking points of conservatives pertaining to economics were originated in what is commonly called the “Austrian” school of economics. These talking points include the condemnation of the government’s involvement in the economy and center upon the idealization of  “the market”, namely that system of allocating resources based on fundamental economic factors, such as supply, demand, and price,  without government influence or regulations or other external sources of interference. These factors, so it turns out, serve to create a falsified idealized self-regulating society of individuals where the facts of  the powerful unconscious, irrational, and exploitative forces dictate outcomes such as depressions, genocidal wars, massive oil spills, famines, pandemics, and other disasters dismissed within a social darwinistic framework and ethics of the “law of the jungle”.  In lay terms, we are accustomed to hearing in the speeches of republican politicians the evils of “big government”, “getting the government off our backs”, etc. This populism has been very successful in evading the crucial and essential questions as to the ultimate source of tyranny, the transnational corporate behemoths wielding irresistible influence, if not coercion, behind in the scenes where the de facto deciders write our laws and dictate the actions and policies of our elected officials. This anti-government populism emanates from and legitimizes itself via “Austrian economics” and, therefore, I find it essential to initiate an exploration as to what this type of economics entails.

The term, “Austrian economist” usually refers to either Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich Hayek, those revered by Ron Paul and many other followers of the libertarian school of thought. But my essay here is on the original “Austrians”, the men whose intellectual contributions were essential to the idealization of the “free market” and the denigration of the government in terms of maximizing human freedom and potential for wealth and material success.

Of course Adam Smith is the father of “free market” or classical economics, even though he had a place for government participation in the market while extolling the basic mechanisms of the market in his 1776 magnum opus, The Wealth of Nations. And David Ricardo followed in 1817 with his On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation in which he explained free trade, diminishing marginal returns, and how printing excess money caused inflation, a crucial justification or rationale for the gold standard still bellowed forth today by Ron Paul and his supporters in condemnation of the fiat-currency-producing Federal Reserve.


Now only one of the three men I’ll be discussing, Carl Menger (1840-1921), was an Austrian, because he studied and published in Vienna, though he was born in Poland. William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882) was English and (Marie-Esprit-) Leon Walras (1834-1910) was Swiss.  These three men are accredited with what is called The Marginal Revolution whereby the labor theory of value was rendered obsolete by the newly proclaimed law of diminishing marginal utility, also referred to as the marginal or neoclassical theory of value. In plain English this means both the utility and value of each additional unit of a commodity, that is, the marginal utility, possesses less value to the consumer. The Concise Encyclopedia of

Economics explains: ” When you are thirsty, for example, you get great utility from a glass of water. Once your thirst is quenched, the second and third glasses are less and less appealing. Feeling waterlogged, you will eventually refuse water altogether. “Value,” said Jevons, “depends entirely upon utility.” Further details of this are laid forth here:

Wikipedia gives us synopses of these 3 “Marginal Revolutionaries”:

William Stanley Jevons first proposed the theory in “A General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy” (PDF), a paper presented in 1862 and published in 1863, followed by a series of works culminating in his book The Theory of Political Economy in 1871 that established his reputation as a leading political economist and logician of the time. Jevons’ conception of utility was in the utilitarian tradition of Jeremy Bentham and of John Stuart Mill, but he differed from his classical predecessors in emphasizing that “value depends entirely upon utility”, in particular, on “final utility upon which the theory of Economics will be found to turn.”He later qualified this in deriving the result that in a model of exchange equilibrium, price ratios would be proportional to not only to ratios of “final degrees of utility” but costs of production.

Carl Menger presented the theory in Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre (translated as Principles of Economics) in 1871. Menger’s presentation is peculiarly notable on two points. First, he took special pains to explain why individuals should be expected to rank possible uses and then to use marginal utility to decide amongst trade-offs. (For this reason, Menger and his followers are sometimes called “the Psychological School”, though they are more frequently known as “the Austrian School” or as “the Vienna School”.) Second, while his illustrative examples present utility as quantified, his essential assumptions do not.(Menger in fact crossed-out the numerical tables in his own copy of the published Grundsätze.) Menger also developed the law of diminishing marginal utility. Menger’s work found a significant and appreciative audience.

Marie-Esprit-Léon Walras introduced the theory in Éléments d’économie politique pure, the first part of which was published in 1874 in a relatively mathematical exposition. Walras’s work found relatively few readers at the time but was recognized and incorporated two decades later in the work of Pareto and Barone.

Of the 3 Marginal Revolutionaries, Menger comes off as the best as per the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics assessment of him:

“Unlike Jevons, Menger did not believe that goods provide “utils,” or units of utility. Rather, he wrote, goods are valuable because they serve various uses whose importance differs. For example, the first pails of water are used to satisfy the most important uses, and successive pails are used for less and less important purposes.

Menger used this insight to resolve the diamond-water paradox that had baffled Adam Smith (see marginalism). He also used it to refute the labor theory of value. Goods acquire their value, he showed, not because of the amount of labor used in producing them, but because of their ability to satisfy people’s wants. Indeed, Menger turned the labor theory of value on its head. If the value of goods is determined by the importance of the wants they satisfy, then the value of labor and other inputs of production (he called them “goods of a higher order”) derive from their ability to produce these goods. Mainstream economists still accept this theory, which they call the theory of “derived demand.””

On the other hand, Carl Menger, has some fascinating quirks, like pioneering an “empirical” theory that was not really empirical, though well-intended, I am sure. The source for this is a libertarian one,

” He (Menger)  tried to trace the causes of the properties and laws under scrutiny back to the simplest facts. His purpose was to demonstrate that the properties and laws of economic phenomena result from these empirically ascertainable “elements of the human economy” such as individual human needs, individual human knowledge, ownership and acquisition of individual quantities of goods, time, and individual error.[11] Menger’s great achievement in Principles of Economics consisted in identifying these elements for analysis and explaining how they cause more-complex market phenomena such as prices. He called this the “empirical method,” emphasizing that it was the same method that worked so well in the natural sciences.[12]”

“To the present reader, this label might be confusing, since it is not at all the experimental method of the modern empirical sciences. Menger did not use abstract models to posit falsifiable hypotheses that are then tested by experience. Instead, Menger’s was an analytical method that began with the smallest empirical phenomena and proceeded logically from there.”

A nice little bio on Menger:

Now the key selling point for Leon Walras seems to be his devising the General Equilibrium Theory essential for purporting the harmony of markets in being able to balance or regulate themselves. In contrast to other neoclassical (Austrian) economists, Walras was heavily into math to support his ideas. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics notes:

“Before Walras, economists had made little attempt to show how a whole economy with many goods fits together and reaches an equilibrium. Walras’s goal was to do this. He did not succeed, but he took some major first steps. First, he built a system of simultaneous equations to describe his hypothetical economy, a tremendous task, and then showed that because the number of equations equaled the number of unknowns, the system could be solved to give the equilibrium prices and quantities of commodities. The demonstration that price and quantity were uniquely determined for each commodity is considered one of Walras’s greatest contributions to economic science.

But Walras was aware that the mere fact that such a system of equations could be solved mathematically for an equilibrium did not mean that in the real world it would ever reach that equilibrium. So Walras’s second major step was to simulate an artificial market process that would get the system to equilibrium, a process he called “tâtonnement” (French for “groping”). Tâtonnement was a trial-and-error process in which a price was called out and people in the market said how much they were willing to demand or supply at that price. If there was an excess of supply over demand, then the price would be lowered so that less would be supplied and more would be demanded. Thus would the prices “grope” toward equilibrium. To keep constant the equilibrium toward which prices were groping, Walras assumed—highly unrealistically—that no actual exchanges were made until equilibrium was reached. If, for example, people who wanted to buy ketchup wanted more than sellers were willing to sell, then they would buy none at all. This assumption limits the usefulness of Walras’s simulated process as an aid to understanding how real markets work.”

The oddity for the second great marginalist thinker, Leon Walras, was that AT ONE TIME HE SEEMS TO BE A COMMUNIST!!! I kid you not! “Walras also inherited his father’s interest in social reform. Much like the Fabians, Walras called for the nationalization of land, believing that land’s value would always increase and that rents from that land would be sufficient to support the nation without taxes.” source: If by “nationalize” we mean that the state assumes ownership of the land then Walras did in fact espouse, at least one time in his life, communist propensities.

As for William Stanley Jevons, he is noteworthy for his Jevons Paradox. It started with his book The Coal Question which “covered a breadth of concepts on energy depletion that have recently been revisited by writers covering the subject of peak oil. For example, Jevons explained that improving energy efficiency

typically reduced energy costs and thereby increased rather than decreased energy use, an effect now known as the Jevons paradoxThe Coal Question remains a paradigmatic study of resource depletion theory. Jevons’s son, H. Stanley Jevons, published an 800-page follow-up study in 1915 in which the difficulties of estimating recoverable reserves of a theoretically finite resource are discussed in detail.[8]

The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics notes ” he wrote that Britain’s industrial vitality depended on coal and, therefore, would decline as that resource was exhausted. As coal reserves ran out, he wrote, the price of coal would rise. This would make it feasible for producers to extract coal from poorer or deeper seams. He also argued that America would rise to become an industrial superpower. Although his forecast was right for both Britain and America, and he was right about the incentive to mine more costly seams, he was almost surely wrong that the main factor was the cost of coal. Jevons failed to appreciate the fact that as the price of an energy source rises, entrepreneurs have a strong incentive to invent, develop, and produce alternate sources. In particular, he did not anticipate oil or natural gas. Also, he did not take account of the incentive, as the price of coal rose, to use it more efficiently or to develop technology that brought down the cost of discovering and mining (see natural resources).”

As I wind this essay up, it is important to note that other important “Austrians” or neoclassical economists have not been mentioned yet. Not just Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich Hayek, but others like Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926), who notably was born in Vienna, or the British Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), and Eugen  Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914).

This essay is to be taken merely as a point of entry into deeper study or at least a means of clarifying some basic points about what “Austrian Economics” means both conceptually and historically.

Mnemonic Archaelogy

I wrote this blog essay March 24, 2011. It encapsulates my background in depth psychology. This was before I got into academic blogging and listed references, which you see in my history and economics posts.  I’m importing it into my current site because it expresses my views well to this day.

I think it’s useful to use metaphors from depth psychology to describe the processes of consciousness. Brain scans don’t really explain why we think or feel the specific things we do at any given moment. If, for example, I am driving in heavy traffic and a car cuts abruptly in front of me, I may get angry in response. Why do I react this way? The brain chemicals and/or neuronal hot spots don’t explain why I react to a stimulus. They DESCRIBE the reaction of my brain without explaining why. The chemicals and electrical activity result from an outside stimulus. So there is an intermediate process, a perceptual and interpretive one, starting with the intake of sensory stimuli, moving into perceiving the meaning of these stimuli, before the hormones and neurotransmitters are released and altering my brain scan, assuming I would be able to see a scan of my brain as the event unfolded. Why do I interpret the event as I do? Do I have an underlying wish to have an open road at my disposal? Do I feel entitled like a child to have no interference with my driving? What if I were able to prioritize a rational analysis of driver behaviors over my expectations?

The mind is like, in certain ways, a pile of memory sediments, one phase of life, with its significant others, friends, hobbies, habits, job(s), etc., all interconnected within a mnemonic web that defines that particular phase. Then something happens. A marriage or relationship fails, breaks up. You quit, get laid off, or fired from a job. You become addicted to something new, a drug, a social network, some other activity or hobby. You change your address, move away from old friends and family, make new friends, etc. There are many things that can dramatically change your life to create a new mnemonic sediment that is piled upon all previous sediments. The current phase always rewrites and reconceptualizes all previous phases. Stuff gets discovered, buried, re-discovered, reinterpreted, redefined within the present context. The new present also creates a new past and some aspects of yourself slip into oblivion unbeknownst to you. Because we fancy ourselves as stable most of the time.

Think about your thought process. You are the master of your conscious mind, right? You voluntarily decide what to think about, what to do, how to react to things that you encounter, as the master of your own destiny. Of course, our legal system and common-sense notions of life itself hinge on this notion of conscious control.

What about emotions? Do you consciously control your emotional reaction to something? Of course, we all react with horror to scenes of tsunami destruction. But what about your personal idiosyncratic reaction to a person you just met. This person looks familiar and you are attracted to them and yet you are not sure why. Now solve this with a brain scan and neurotransmitter theory. Nope, you can’t. This person reminds you of someone trapped in a mnemonic layer of your mind, buried beneath all the life changes you have had since then. The historical revisions you make with each layer of your life have obscured your conscious awareness of why you like this new person. So the unconscious speaks directly with primitive unanalyzed emotions to you, but the different layers of past consciousness have filtered out the identity of the person whose memory makes you feel the way you do.

What about the fact you can’t control the process of remembering something? You have forgotten something important. The emotion of this importance you feel, yet the details are trapped beneath all those mnemonic layers. Then suddenly you encounter some stimulus that penetrates through all those layers and you remember what you forgot. The association between stimulus and remembered fact or experience is not something you consciously control. Yet there is an important agency of your mind that saw the connection and retrieved the forgotten experience or fact. This agency of your mind characterizes you so intimately and yet you are not conscious of it.

What about those times when you are busy in the morning, doing 10 things at the same time. You bring a cup of coffee from one room into the other, then you suddenly remember something you have to do, and you set the cup of coffee down on top of a table, book shelf or some other place. You do a few other things and realize you don’t have the coffee in your hand. Where did it go? Maybe your mind alotted more psychic energy to your morning chores than it did to where you set the coffee down.

Your conscious mind can literally take a vacation from physical reality. Not just with “losing” your coffee. How about when you daydream on a long road trip and you suddenly “wake up” to discover you missed your exit and drove many miles without being aware of it. You multi-tasked and subliminally drove the car while most of your conscious psyche was lost in reverie.

What about those times when you are trying to solve a problem. You rack your brains for hours or days. And then suddenly when you are shaving or in the shower or doing some trivial task, the light bulb shines, eureka! The answer pops into your head. Is this a random process? Like quantum physics when an isotope randomly decays into another? I say no. Something trapped in previously inaccessible layers connected to a stimulus in your environment. An unconscious agency made this connection and the eureka moment ensued.

Those times when these mysterious emotions, recollections, forgetting, splitting of the psyche, and problem solutions all happen, point to a vital essential part of your mind. It is within the unconscious, but not synonymous with it. There is an active function that connects what is on your mind at the moment and what is buried in the unconscious. I call this function or agency the “metaconscious”. Because it is different from the experiences stored in the unconscious reservoir. It determines what you become aware of, what extent you are aware of your surroundings and what extent you get lost in reverie, what you find worth remembering and what you decide to drop into that unconscious abyss. It determines what and how you mentally connect all the things, people, things, ideas, experiences, memories, in your current phase of life and how all previous phases of life are construed. You could, if you were a depth psychologist, equate this metaconscious as the net effect of all complexes and archetypes engaged in a tug of war. Each situation you face speaks to some complexes and is mute to others. You meet someone like your mother in some aspect and you react accordingly in an instinctive idiosyncratic manner beyond your conscious control. That is, certain emotions arise which you may or may not let dictate any behaviors. I would say that the center of gravity for all the complexes is the metaconscious. Maybe each complex has a core of selfhood and these cores collectivize into the metaconscious.

This is merely the initial installment on this topic. I had notes for this and strayed from them, let my own metaconscious do the writing, from some previously repressed outline of which I am not even conscious now.


Consumerism and Addiction

The whole point of consumer culture is to incentivize people to buy things or frequent social media sites for the purpose of surrendering personal data. There is no sacred boundary separating consumption from addiction. The more consumption the better. This is the ultimate goal of profit-maximizing corporations. Consumerism has expanded in the social media era to making people into screen addicts whose web travels boost the profits of tech czars to stratospheric levels. Algorithms are designed to make you a screen addict, not a well educated citizen.

Pathological liar Trump was a godsend to social media, enticing friends and foes to stay online. Only upon the 1/6/21 Capitol insurrection did his falsehoods require punitive banishment. The larger truth governing social media is feeding the masses,  the various tribes with which people identify themselves. To feed people what they crave, to trigger them into tribal quarrels, is the pathway to Big Tech profit maximization. Zuckerberg met with with Trump. Nuff said. Trump was his premiere cash cow.

Amidst the current outrage at the billionaire Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, who targeted Americans with OxyContin– reportedly a conspiracy to create unwitting opioid addicts who as victims of despicable marketing or fraud have killed themselves by the tens of thousands year after year. The cost of doing business for Big Pharma vultures is the “collateral damage” of O.D. deaths. As with many meds legal or illegal, the line between legitimate use and abuse is blurry. The Sacklers are rich criminals, but at the same time, the dangers of addiction to pain pills have been well known for decades. The opioid debacle is the fault of many people, not just the Sacklers. People’s love for pills anaesthetized them to their potential dangers. The desire for pain pills exceeds the desire to face their dangers. Otherwise, no opioid epidemic would emerge or last so many years.

Raw unadulterated capitalism is based on the primordial dialectic of supply and demand. People in pain want relief. The Sackler family understood Americans’ proclivities to pop pain pills to promote their profit margins. The Purdue shareholders made a killing by means of the indiscriminate use of OxyContin.

The morality infotainment narrative highlights the immorality of Purdue Pharma. The larger issue absent from mainstream media is the consumer-addiction ethos permeating current society. Addiction to junk food, buying clothes, new tech devices, or anything else is successful consumerism. Addictions boost profits.

The law of supply and demand necessitates both legal and illegal suppliers of mind altering substances. The culture of addiction is just a tiny step beyond ethical consumption. How do we protect people from pursuing happiness in pill-form? The only practical antidote to slow suicide by opioids is education and therapy. Legislation against Purdue Pharma is no match for the colossal craving of opioid bliss. The underlying premise of legal pill pushers is the helpless consumer who is unable to assess his or her own personal safety. The capitalist ethos of pleasing consumers for profit created our current culture of opioid addicts and screen addicts. Does the individual addicted to pain pills or his Iphone consider his or her participation in this scheme? Will lamenting the profiteers cure us or will assuming responsibility as a consumer save us? Who has our best interests at heart?




The De-Evolution into Idiocracy, Pt I

Though Biden won and the insurrection on the Capitol did not succeed in giving the dimwitted despot a second term, we are not suddenly cured of the pandemic of stupidity and chaos.  Covid19 is not the only contagion afflicting us. Crazed cultists living in alternate realities remain active on the social media. Dare I say, America remains mired in darkness, with glimmers of hope, but millions of minds are still poisoned by prejudice, xenophobia, bigotry, trickle-down rhetoric, conspiratorial obsessions with George Soros and Bill Gates, and paranoia about the perils of “socialism”. The Dark Age  afflicting us the past 4 years is not over. Ludicrous rightwing propaganda remains on the dark web and conventional social media, despite Trump being banned.

Idiocracy is the title of a comedy movie directed by Mike Judge, a satire about a future with staggeringly stupid people, seemingly plausible if the IQ-shrinking effects of social media clickbaiting continue on their current downward trajectory. Not all Americans are getting stupider. Rather, just enough to render our political system impotent. A democracy is based on the presumption of a well-informed citizenry voting for qualified candidates and the best one winning. When the news media fail in their sacred mission to inform, and a new system emerges whereby people become trapped in partisan mixtures of facts and fictions, then it’s possible for a con artist to become president.

A misinformed narcissistic clown, Donald Trump, was able to exploit the chaotic media ecosystem and many people became disenchanted with “politics as usual” and voted for him.  With the help of voter suppression laws in key swing states producing an electoral college victory, the seemingly impossible transpired November 8, 2016.  Trump won the presidential election, despite losing the popular vote by 2.9 million to Hillary Clinton. 4 years and two months later, an even more improbable event occurred, the invasion of the Capital by deluded Trump cultists. Aside from formulaic politically partisan explanations, how do we understand this new era in which a pathological liar was allowed to amass 88 million twitter followers and given free rein to lie constantly numerous years? In his 4 years as president, Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims. He told almost 4,000 lies in October 2020 alone as he ramped up his pre-election rhetoric and attacks on Joe Biden. He set a one-day record for lies on Nov. 2, the day before the 2020 election, when he told 504 falsehoods.  Twitter gave the pathological liar a public platform up to January 8, 2021. They suspended his account 2 days after the assault on the Capitol. The obvious question is why did this take so long? What are Twitter’s priorities? Providing factual information as a public service or inciting a maximum number of clicks, followers, and shares?

How did we descend into this Dark Age in which Trump could get elected? It’s not as if all Americans became idiots overnight. My theory is our system of neoliberalism, governance by transnational corporations to the detriment of non-wealthy citizens, has led to discontentment explained in varying ways based on partisan orientation. Conservative news media are filled with narratives crafted by rich white people whereby rich and middle-class whites blame poor whites, minorities, and immigrants for leaching off of “big government”.  These narratives are useful to divert attention away from the decades of American jobs being offshored to Asia and Latin America, the middle class being decimated, wages stagnated, not keeping pace with inflation. Conservative media derive much power from radio pundits with tens of millions of listeners. It’s not just Fox News which has dominated cable TV ratings the past 20 years.

The spreading of Trumpian falsehoods reveals the false promise of the internet of 20 years ago. The fact-checking sites are no match for false clickbait. Getting people to click has taken priority over spreading factual information. This crisis has no viable solutions being discussed. The various partisan tribes being targeted with clickbait continue to wage war online. The once radiantly optimistic predictions for the internet and social media have been replaced by rancorous divisions on these social media.  The “information superhighway” has devolved into a clickbaiting medium for millions of people with eyes glued to their screens. Algorithms designed by the tech overlords reinforce entrenched positions on issues in order to please social media addicts. Inciting reactions to screen-addicted people’s reptilian brains takes precedence over  journalism intended for intellectual enrichment. People enslaved to their digital devices react to clickbait for hostile exchanges on the emotional level of poo-flinging apes. Emojis are exchanged with ease as conscious reflection is too strenuous.

This is how a pathological lying malignant narcissist is able to navigate through the mainstream media where ratings take precedence over factual accuracy. The actual premise of factual truth is sacrificed to separate “truths” for various factions of people. Opinions with no substantiation are dispensed on popular cable programs, mostly Fox’s so-called “news”. Facebook gladly circulated false information prior to its recent censorship regime. Yes, Russian bots served the interests of the motherland as Putin wanted his toadie, Trump, to win. Cambridge Analytica extracted data from 87 million facebook users. Former CEO,  Alexander Nix described questionable practices used to influence foreign elections and said his firm did all the research, analytics and targeting of voters for Trump’s digital and TV campaigns. He boasted of having met Trump when he was the Republican presidential candidate “many times”. Investors in Cambridge Analytica include the family of American hedge fund manager Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon.  A minimum of 15 million dollars has been invested into the company by Mercer, according to The New York Times. Bannon’s stake in the company was estimated at 1 to 5 million dollars.

Long before the rise of social media, there was the issue of news media accuracy and bias.  The term “infotainment” refers to soft news whereby the audience is being simultaneously informed and entertained. Idealizations abound for journalistic integrity prior to the 1987 abolishing of the Fairness Doctrine, because there existed such luminaries as Walter Cronkite, CBS news anchor, and Edward R Murrow who had the audacity to editorialize about the red-baiter Joseph McCarthy, whose paranoia-based smears against “communists” closely resemble utterances by QAnon-addled Trump cultists who insisted that Biden “stole the election”.

The Fairness Doctrine has often been conflated with the allotment of equal time for political candidates.  Fact is, the broader purpose was to “… mandate that broadcasters cover issues of public importance in ways that presented opposing perspectives, operating under a view of free speech that privileged an audience’s rights to diverse voices and views over broadcasters’ narrower First Amendment protections.” The merger of large media conglomerates encouraged by Reagan promoted profits over accountability to dispense accurate and useful information to the public.  As cable TV surged in the 1980’s, competition for viewers amped up. Profits are derived from charging companies for commercials. Low ratings equal low profits. Entertaining viewers is essential for high profits, in contrast to adhering to standards of “hard journalism”, which does not guarantee ratings and therefore profits.

As the era of opinion-based faux journalism began, talk radio pundits like Rush Limbaugh were experts in grabbing people’s attention with enticing narratives, not dissimilar from gossiping at your neighbor’s fence. The folkloric notions about “the liberal media”, “Jews who run Hollywood”, etc. was now allowed to spread nationwide over the airwaves, as rumors once spread like wildfire in a small town. The power of infotainment media was revealed in 1988, when democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis was vanquished by attack ads featuring Willie Horton,  a convicted murderer who received 10 weekend passes from Dukakis. Weekend furloughs were a common practice at that time, quite successful.  Horton’s mug shot appeared in an attack ad,  part of an infamous election-season strategy to stoke fear and racial anxiety among white voters. Infotainment titillation had already peaked the year before, with democratic presidential candidate, Gary Hart’s extramarital affair with Donna Rice being revealed.  Rice was sitting on his lap on the ship, Monkey Business, on the 6/2/87 National Enquirer cover photo. This scandal set the stage for the extremely boring Dukakis to become the democratic nominee, unable to overcome George Bush Sr’s incendiary racism-stoking attack ads.

As the infotainment era aided and abetted the decline of American civilization in the 1990’s. Jerry Springer, Morton Downey Jr, and Maury Povich brought Trash TV to the fore. On 6/17/94 police chased O. J. Simpson in his white Ford Bronco down a Los Angeles interstate.  This was the day Simpson was charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. He was supposed to have turned himself in to face the charges but didn’t. He was declared a fugitive, and a warrant was put out for his arrest.  The announcement of the verdict in O.J. Simpson’s trial was the most-watched event in TV history, drawing more than 150 million viewers.

The descent into idiocracy sped up on Oct. 7, 1996 when Fox News began broadcasting. A clear-cut cultural divide emerged as Fox narrated what liberals think and do, such that other news channels felt compelled to reply. Two news-spheres emerged for the bi-coastals and the heartlanders (although 4 midwestern states, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota tilted towards Biden). Trump figured out by 2011 he was siding with red-state conservatives when he wanted Obama to produce his birth certificate.

I have a birth certificate. People have birth certificates. He doesn’t have a birth certificate. He may have one but there is something on that birth certificate — maybe religion, maybe it says he’s a Muslim, I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that. Or, he may not have one.”

— Donald Trump, March 30, 2011

Trump’s attacks on Obama began in the Tea Party Era in which white conservatives were enraged about a black man being president. The Tea Party arose out of white rage over a “Kenyan Muslim” black man becoming president. The Dark Age sprang from this white rage and alternative versions of “news”, that is, rightwing propaganda led to the disastrous 2016 election. As the #1 online propagandizer,  Donald J Trump poured his perpetual stream of twitter balderdash into the empty skulls of his 88 million Twitter followers. The collective impetus of online and cable TV news media was not enough to cure the millions of warped minds. In this new Idiocracy Era, Trump amassed 74 million votes in the 2020 election, 46.8%, and gained 1,183,561 votes from California major metro voters in San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Riverside, Sacramento, and San Diego. This is 53% more major metro voters as he gained in red state Texas, 770,126.  The spreading of Trumpian falsehoods reveals the false promise of the internet of 20 years ago. The fact-checking sites are no match for false clickbait. Getting people to click has taken priority over spreading factual information. This crisis has no viable solutions being discussed. The various partisan tribes being targeted with clickbait continue to wage war online.

We witness after Trump’s term in office the Idiocracy’s persistence as Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was given committee assignments before having these rescinded. She repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019 before being elected to Congress.  She has promoted racism, anti-Semitism and insane false conspiracy theories such as QAnon.

The MAGA constituency did not sprout overnight, but grew apace under the influence of Trump’s white nationalism, wherein Mexican rapists and people from “shithole” countries were to blame. The demolition of the middle class and bulldozering of the poor was accomplished by predator capitalist profiteers and their puppets in government. Trump is the perfect dufus in charge to distract from this transnational corporate larceny of the government. Look at those people of color entering our previously lilly white nation. America’s descent into austerity is their fault. This is MAGA thinking.

Those who react against progress, against full voting rights for minorities, against corporations’ using Super Pacs to buy candidates, against people of color being shot by white cops, against listening to medical experts on Covid, seem to persist in their dark power. Remember the 2011 Occupy Movement? People who wanted to help lift people out of the oppression by the wealthy were lampooned on Fox News so that the oppression could continue. The forces of greed, prejudice, bigotry, misogyny persist. It is time to ponder what progress means and why America allowed itself to regress. Consider how “progressive” is a pejorative term. This suggests those using it prefer regression.


Right and Left Wing

If we look at the origins of the political terms “left(wing)” and “right(wing)” they come about from the locations of people seated at the National Assembly during the French Revolution. Natural political processes divide the people, that is the mass of people opposed to the tyranny of nobles and aristocrats of the monarchy or in this era of American politics, the plutocracy and infotainment media designed to manufacture consent by the masses. The masses continue to divide along lines of political party and divisions within the parties themselves. The divisions connoted by terms “left” and “right” are tribal affiliations supported by all those who seek identification or self-affirmation via these labels. These social processes happen autonomously. No conspiracy by the oligarchs atop the plutocracy is required.

Socialism: Reform’s Better than Revolution

Socialism can be defined as the social or community-based control over the means of production for public benefit rather than private profit.  Various types of socialism emerged in the wake of the French Revolution, including revolutionary, reformist, and anarchist. Socialists conflicted over the role of state. Marx and Engels defined the state as the organized power of one class (the bourgeoisie) for oppressing another (the proletariat). By contrast, socialists and communists before Marx believed the state was the supreme moral agent of the society as a whole. The rule of law, and with it, the expansion of the state, was the best hope of the people against rule by the predatory interests of tyrants.

Liberal idealism is the doctrine regarding the state as the expression of the general will contrary to the Marxist concept of the state as the executive arm of the ruling class. Liberal idealism naturally contradicted every other important Marxist principle. It denied that class struggle and violent revolution were necessary or desirable, that the proletariat occupied a privileged place in history, and that any class commanded higher loyalty than the general will of the nation. The German socialist, Ferdinand Lassalle, as spokesman for German labor in the 1860’s, hailed the democratic state as the unity of the nation and the proletariat. In Britain Fabian Socialism was founded in 1884, vowing kinship with liberalism and belief in slow change, i.e., reform. France’s Alexandre Millerand led a reform socialist movement very similar to Fabianism. Eduard Bernstein was a founder of evolutionary socialism, saw flaws in Marxist thinking, rejected the materialist theory of history, and the Hegelian dialectical perspective (the basis of Marxist historical theory).

In the two decades before World War I European socialism, though apparently immersed in Marxist ideology, was working its way toward an accommodation with liberalism, whether it cared to admit it or not. Russia’s founder of Marxism was Georgi Plekhanov who said Russia would have to go through a long capitalist incubation before socialism was possible. Socialists therefore would have to wait patiently before constructing a democratic party. His disciple, Vladimir Lenin, grew to oppose this and proceeded to build his own elite organization of dedicated and disciplined revolutionaries. Orthodox Marxist Karl Kautsky explained the the absurdity of the Bolshevik claim that the bourgeois stage of history had been accomplished between February and October 1917 as Russia remained industrially backward. The false claim bolstered Lenin’s dictatorial rule as expressing the public will. Lenin and his Bolshevik cohorts believed they had mastered history and could be saved from the fate to which all previous dictatorships had succumbed. Thus assured, they rendered the party omnipotent over all of society. Whoever controlled the party inherited greater power than any Czar had ever possessed. By 1924 the Bolshevik Leviathan came under Joseph Stalin’s domination, the Communist Party secretary, who became one of history’s worst tyrants.

In the decades following Marx’s death in 1883 industrialism relentlessly moved across Europe, polarizing society into bourgeois and proletariat classes. Marxist parties sprang up in every country, including those where anarchism was strong. The German Social Democratic Party emerged as the colossus of European reformist (parliamentary) socialism, and its growth kept pace with the phenomenal industrial growth of the country after German unification in 1871. As the dominant party in the Second International, created in 1889, it was the premier socialist organization of the world. Yet, socialism was not making headway in the U.S. or Britain in the form of organized parties. Britain’s socialist Fabian Society began to grow within the middle class, akin to radical liberalism and firmly anti-revolutionary. French Socialism also fell to a moderate reformist position. It became apparent that wherever political democracy showed strength it tended either to neutralize the appeal of a revolution via liberal democracy or thwart its development altogether. Conflict emerged in Germany between orthodox Karl Kautsky and revisionist (reformist) Eduard Bernstein who maintained that class conflict was diminishing, that capitalism was proving supple and strong and that socialism should be approached by piecemeal and parliamentary means.

Ferdinand Lassalle (1825-1864) founded the General German Workers’ Association in 1863 which eventually evolved into the Social Democratic Party. His version of socialism, later termed “revisionism”, borrowed from German idealist philosophers Kant and Hegel and French socialists Blanc and Proudhon. Lassalle advocated universal suffrage (voting rights) as the means by which the workers would force the state to grant to them the whole fruits of their production. The working class, he believed, embodied the spirit of the people whose higher will was manifest in the state. Until it captured the state, the working class could expect little from independent trade union activity. It was on this point that Lassalle, or rather the Lassalleans, and Marx vehemently disagreed (Marx outlived Lasssalle by 19 years). Lassalle, like Marx, assumed the existence of an Iron Law of Wages, whereby labor was inevitably driven down to the lowest level necessary to maintain life. Lassalle found that labor could free itself only though the invincible power of the state. Marx believed the Iron Law could only be broken by the power of labor itself. He had little faith in the power of the state unless it directly responded to the interests of the working class, and had no faith whatsoever in the German state.

Lassalle settled in Berlin in 1859 and soon believed that the revolutionary phase had come to an end and that only a legal and evolutionary approach could hold hopes of success. With this goal in mind he held discussions with the Prussian prime minister Otto von Bismarck in 1863–64. Stuck in a difficult political situation, Bismarck was seeking allies in his struggle against the majority liberal opposition, while Lassalle was pondering a  monarchical welfare state.  This was to be based on extending voting rights to all classes, not just the aristocracy (upper social echelons). He thus hoped to integrate the working class into politics and move from a bourgeois state based on private property to a democratic constitutional state. Eventually Bismarck created the first modern welfare state by incorporating these ideas into social programs which provided to German citizens all the following:  health insurance, accident insurance (workman’s compensation), disability insurance and an old-age retirement pension.

In Britain Fabian Socialism determined that laissez faire capitalism was destroying the social and cultural life. Like Marx, the Fabians assumed the logic of capitalism necessarily led to socialism. They lobbied for the introduction of a minimum wage in 1906, for the creation of a universal health care system in 1911 and for the abolition of hereditary peerages in 1917. Fabian socialists were in favor of reforming Britain’s imperialist foreign policy as a conduit for internationalist reform, and were in favor of a welfare state modelled on the Bismarckian German model.

Orthodox Marxist, Karl Kautsky, advocated the democratic method as essential for socialism, democracy with parliamentarism, poltical and social liberties, and the socialization of the means of production. By contrast, the Bolsheviks were a despotically organized minority that annulled the meaning socialism acquired in combination with democracy. To maintain that non-democratic methods adopted in the name of socialism was to introduce uncontrolled abuses of power. Kautsky felt that modern socialism required the democratic organization of society. His socialism was indissolubly linked to democracy. He asserted that the Bolsheviks concept of dictatorship was actually contrary to Marxist theory, which posed a historically necessary link between proletarian development and socialism. Bolshevism did not provide for a healthy gestation of the proletariat’s maturation via capitalist development and the experience of struggle seasoned by the exercise of political and civil liberties. Without this development there is no proletariat strong enough and intelligent enough to build a socialist state.

Lenin divided the social democratic movement from 1903 onward, using all the instruments of czarist repression to set up an authoritarian capitalist state. The term “communism” served to merely separate his Bolsheviks from social democrats. Lenin was in Switzerland during the March 1917 Revolution. Much to his chagrin there was an all-Russian conference of Soviets with much agreement between the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. A joint meeting of these two factions began discussing of uniting. Lenin stopped these negotiations. His aim in the Russian Revolution was to destroy not only all organs of self-administration, but also all other parties and organizations except his own (the Bolsheviks). To this end, he employed falsehood, slander, and brutal force against all opponents, among whom he counted all Socialists except those subservient to him. He finally succeeded in smashing all his opponents through his coup d’etat of November 7, 1917. At this time, Zinoviev, Rykov, Rjazanov, Lozowski, and other prominent Bolsheviks demanded the formation of a Socialist government composed of all Soviet parties. They declared that the formation of a purely Bolshevist government would lead to a regime of terror and to the destruction of the revolution and the country. Lenin hoped that the elections to the All Russian Constituent Assembly would bring the Bolsheviks a majority. These elections proved contrary to his wishes, as the Bolsheviks were far from a majority with only 9 million votes. The Mensheviks and Social Revolutionists had the overwhelming majority with 23 million votes. Bourgeois parties had 4 million votes.  The Bolsheviks had the opportunity to form a United Socialist Front or coalition to form a government supported by the overwhelming majority of the people, but they formed instead a dictatorial regime, rule by a minority party over a disorganized majority that Kautsky called “Bonapartism”, which was based on the Bolsheviks’ superior armed forces.

World War I was the historical impetus big enough to sharpen the divide between the reformist and revolutionary wings. Within hours of declaration of war, nearly all socialist nations announced their support for the war


Socialist Thought: A Documentary, Eds A. Fried, R. Sanders

Karl Kautsky and the Socialist Revolution, 1880-1938

The Bolshevik Betrayal of Socialism and Creation of Totalitarianism



In the summer of 1914, the socialist movement suffered the worst defeat in its history when it became clear that the international solidarity of the proletariat, its ideological foundation, was an empty phase and could not stand the test of events. The Socialist International collapsed in the face of World War I, much to the despair of the socialists believing in the strength of their movement. Vladimir Lenin at first refused to believe that the German social democrats had obeyed the fatherland’s call to arms. In every European country the great majority had instinctively adopted the patriotic attitude. Plekhanov, the father of Russian Marxism, felt Russia must be defended against invasion and all the Mensheviks thought likewise. The workers’ movement organized into parties adhering more or less strictly to Marxist ideology, had obtained real successes in the fight for labor legislation and civil rights; this seemed to show that existing society was reformable, whatever the doctrine might say and thus to knock the bottom out of revolutionary programs.

At the outbreak of World War I, Lenin was in Poronino, near Krakow in what was then Austrian Galicia, close to the Russian border, agitating among local Ukrainians. The Krakow police arrested him as an enemy alien, until an Austrian socialist leader vouched that Lenin was not a tsarist spy but a “bitter enemy of Russia”. Investigations by Austrian officials determined Lenin was a revolutionary fanatic who had publicly endorsed Ukrainian separatism–a central aim of the Central Powers, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. Lenin was released in early September and sent with his wife on a military mail train to Switzerland, where he would spend his time conspiring against the Tsar.

Already on the Austrian radar, Lenin came to the attention of the German foreign office in 1915, and this included Alexander Israel “Parvus” Helphand, previously chairman of the Petersburg Soviet upon the 1905 arrest of Trotsky. After a Siberian exile, Parvus lived a rich and interesting life abroad in Germany and then Turkey. On Jan. 1915, he met with the German ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and told him, “The interests of the German imperial government are identical to those of the Russian revolutionaries”. Lenin and other Bolsheviks received funding from Estonian nationalist and Bolshevik, Alexander Kesküla.

Lenin held the minority doctrine of “revolutionary defeatism” that he outlined at socialist exile congresses at Zimmerwald and Kienthal, Switzerland in 1915-16. He argued that socialists should work to bring about the defeat of their own country and thereby “turn the imperialist war into civil war”. Rather than counsel draft resistance, socialists should encourage workers to join the military and turn the army “red” by promoting mutinies.


In the months before the February 1917 Revolution, Lenin had fallen off the German radar somewhat, but eventually learned of the Revolution in March 1917 from an Austrian comrade and wanted to return to Petrograd at once. A Swiss socialist, Fritz Platten, arranged the train trip though Germany to Russia. Lenin, 19 Bolshevik associates, Menshevik Julius Martov, and six non-Bolshevik members of the Jewish Bund rode together on the train. Germany appropriated 5 million gold marks for revolutionizing Russia, in March and April 1917. Lenin’s train was not sealed, contrary to urban legend, because the Russians had to switch trains after crossing the border into Germany. Two German army officers joined Lenin on the German train along with trade union official Wilhelm Jansson, who took orders from Parvus. Both Lenin’s acceptance of aid from the Germans as well as his support for Ukrainian separatism were openly discussed in a prisoner of war camp. Germany did in fact dispatch socialist exiles of all stripes into Russia to exacerbate between the Soviet and the Provisional Government in the new post-Tsarist era. Lenin was but one revolutionary, but his extreme views on the War and support of Ukrainian separatism made him a potent catalyst of chaos, a one-man demolition crew sent to wreck Russia’s war effort. As Parvus himself explained to the German minister in Copenhagen in late March, to prevent a revival of Russian fighting morale under the new Provisional Government, the “extreme revolutionary movement will have to be supported, in order to intensify anarchy”. Parvus remarked, Lenin was “much more raving mad” than the rest of Russia’s socialists.

Lenin’s train arrived at Petrograd’s Finland Station, April 3, 1917. At the Bolshevik Party headquarters Lenin launched into a fiery two-hour speech denouncing the “piratical imperialist war” along with party back-sliders who had offered support to the Provisional Government still fighting it. Lenin’s program was so extreme, that the Party organ, Pravda, refused to print it. April Theses was Lenin’s radical pacifist program which was aligned with Germany’s wartime goals. Germany army intelligence in Stockholm reported the following day to the German high command: “Lenin’s entry into Russia is successful. He is working exactly as we wish”. The German government spent 2 million marks to support revolutionary propaganda in Russia.


The Provisional Government was finally put out of its misery by the Bolshevik coup on October 27, sometimes called the October Revolution. This post-Tsarist government was the Soviet of People’s Commissars, or Sovnarkom. At this time Zinoviev, Rykov, Rjazanov, Lozowski, and other prominent Bolsheviks demanded the formation of a Socialist government composed of all Soviet parties. They declared that the formation of a purely Bolshevist government would lead to a regime of terror and to the destruction of the revolution and the country. Lenin hoped that the elections to the All Russian Constituent Assembly would bring the Bolshevists a majority, but the elections proved otherwise. The Bolsheviks got a mere 9,000,000 votes compared to the 23,000,000 for the other socialist parties, and 4 million for bourgeois parties. The Sovnarkom indefinitely postponed the opening of the Assembly, due on November 28, and demanded an investigation into electoral abuse. The opposing parties wanted the Assembly and staged a large demonstration the same day. The leading right-wing party, the Kadets, was banned, its leaders arrested, and its printing presses smashed. On December 7, the Cheka, Soviet secret police force, analogous to the Nazi’s Gestapo, was established. Support for the Assembly was called “counter-revolutionary”. The first session began January 5 and ended at 4 a.m. January 6. The Palace was closed and surrounded by troops. The one and only fully democratic body in all of Russia’s history lasted less than 13 hours. This marked the real turning point where all pretense of socialism was smashed on the path to totalitarianism.

As the new Tsar for the Bolshevik dictatorship, Lenin called the masses “children who needed to be protected from their own misguided inclinations”. Under Lenin’s dictatorship, the Cheka took the initiative in shooting opponents and spreading terror throughout the nation to consolidate centralized dictatorial power. Lenin said violence was necessary for revolution. “The proletarian revolution is impossible without the forcible destruction of the bourgeois state machine and the substitute for it of a new one which is no longer a state in the proper sense of the word”. Violence was deemed integral to the proletarian dictatorship and revolution. The Bolsheviks were akin to Fascists, using palingenetic fervor, ushering in a new era or new humanity. Heretics and unrepentent members of the bourgeoisie were murdered. The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, known as the Cheka, was empowered on February 22, 1918 to arrest and shoot immediately all members of counter-revolutionary organizations.

The military backbone of the dictatorship was the Red Army, formally established by the Sovnarkom in January 1918. War Commissar, Trotsky, conscripted thousands of ex-officers and non-commissioned officers from the now defunct Tsarist Imperial Army. To ensure loyalty to the Communist Party, commissars were attached to every military unit. Obedience was guaranteed by the Cheka. By 1920 there were 3 million troops in the Red Army. In lieu of an actual proletariat, this mass of soldier employees formed the foundation for the new totalitarian state falsely termed “communist”.


Historically Inevitable: Turning Points of the Russian Revolution, Ed. Tony Brenton

Social Democracy vs. Communism by Karl Kautsky

The Russian Revolution – Sean McMeekin

The Vanquished: Why the First World War Failed To End by Robert Gerwarth

Main Currents of Marxism, Vol. 2 by Leszek Kolakowski





While Europe Was Napping: Muslims Do Math and Science, Part I


When the Roman Empire collapsed in 476 C.E.,  Germanic tribes took over the Western portion of Roman Empire. (The eastern portion, headquartered in Constantinople persisted until 1453). Despite being “barbarians” the Germanic peoples absorbed at least some respect for Roman civilization and a desire to maintain it. However, despite their best intentions, they still had a poor understanding of the Roman heritage they had taken over. Their loosely knit states had local nobles ruling their lands and sometimes following their kings in war. The few trained Roman bureaucrats that were left became scarcer with each generation. Bit by bit, orderly Roman rule gave way to a more casual kind of order, veering more and more toward anarchy. Taxes went uncollected; roads, bridges, and aqueducts went unrepaired; and public order broke down, sending towns and trade into decline.

Unlike the Romans, the “barbarians” had no concept of an abstract state to inspire their loyalty. Instead they based their political order on their loyalty to a local chieftain or king. Since the kingdom was the personal property of the king, it was divided amongst his heirs upon his death. Western Europe disintegrated into anarchy as local nobles rebelled against their kings and fought each other in their own private wars. This in turn would encourage raids and invasions by such peoples as Vikings from the north, Arabs from the south, and nomadic Magyars from the east. Such raids and invasions would only encourage more turmoil, which would bring in more invasions and so on. To aggravate matters even further, this cycle of anarchy and invasions would also feed back into the original cycle involving land as a source of wealth. And so it would go, as these mutually reinforcing cycles of decline, anarchy, and invasions would continue to feed into one another, dragging Western Europe down into further chaos. Not until money came back into circulation could the nobles’ stranglehold be broken. This was because money did not regenerate itself, thus keeping nobles and officials constantly dependent on the king.

While European civilization descended into backward rural feudalism, the territory governed by Muslims entered what many historians call “The Islamic Golden Age” which lasted from roughly 800 A.D. through 1200 A.D. It was there that the savant Al-Khwārizmī (from whose name we get the word “algorithm”) essentially invented applied mathematics. It was there that astronomer al-Biruni began to invent modern experimental physics and anticipated the work of Copernicus and Kepler. It was there that Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote the most important books of medicine up to that time, and kept alive the tradition of ancient Greek philosophy — which would later have a huge influence on Europe. The region was a hotbed of technological innovation and intellectual boundary-breaking.

Then it all went wrong. After about the year 1200, the region declined, and Islamic science and medicine and philosophy declined with it. Why did this happen? The conquests of the Mongol Empire, which destroyed many of the region’s huge, well-irrigated cities, were part of it. The decline had begun centuries before the Mongols showed up, which was an increasingly anti-science attitude on the part of the Muslim rulers of the region.

One of the most prominent anti-science leaders was Nizam al-Mulk, the unofficial leader of the Turkish Seljuq Empire. In the late 1000s A.D., he established a number of religious institutes, part of whose purpose to combat the rationalism that had emerged in Central Asia. Perhaps the most important figure in this anti-rationalist movement was al-Ghazali, an accomplished philosopher who had written a book attacking his contemporaries. Al-Ghazali used the tools of logic and reason themselves to argue that only faith, not rationalism and science, can offer insight into the truths of the world.  Al-Ghazali led the charge for Islamic world’s transition from center of global science to fundamentalist backwater.

Considering how unsuited Roman numerals are for mathematical calculation, it is puzzling how long the decimal place-value system took to be widely used In Europe. Mathematics in Europe entered a Dark Age. Consider something as basic as zero. From the time it was invented as a mere placeholder, the way to tell 1 from 10 and 100, between 500 and 400 B.C. in Babylon. In India they developed a positional number system (according to the Bakhshali manuscript)  as early as the 1st century CE. as part of a place value system with zero denoted by a dot, which is called shunya-sthAna, “empty-place”, and the same symbol is also used in algebraic expressions for the unknown (as in the canonical x in modern algebra). The oldest known text to use zero is the Jain text from India entitled the Lokavibhaga, dated 458 AD.  For mathematics to advance in Europe, centuries had to pass for the zero innovation to pass from Babylon, then India, followed by Al-Khwārizmī, entering Spain around 900 C.E., and appearing in the Codex Vigilanus in 976 C.E.

  • 976. The first Arabic numerals in Europe appeared in the Codex Vigilanus in the year 976.
  • 1202. Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician who had studied in Béjaïa (Bougie), Algeria, promoted the Arabic numeral system in Europewith his book Liber Abaci, which was published in 1202.
  • 1482. The system did not come into wide use in Europe, however, until the invention of printing. (See, for example, the 1482 Ptolemaeus map of the world printed by Lienhart Holle in Ulm, and other examples in the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, Germany.)
  • 1549. These are correct format and sequence of the “modern numbers” in titlepage of the Libro Intitulado Arithmetica Practica by Juan de Yciar, the Basque calligrapher and mathematician, Zaragoza 1549.

Al-Khwārizmī,  in full Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī  (born, c. 780, Baghdad, Iraq—died c. 850), Muslim mathematician and astronomer whose major works introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and the concepts of algebra into European mathematics. Latinized versions of his name and of his most famous book title live on in the terms algorithm and algebra.

Al-Khwārizmī lived in Baghdad, where he worked at the “House of Wisdom” (Dār al-Ḥikma) under the caliphate of al-Maʾmūn. (The House of Wisdom acquired and translated scientific and philosophic treatises, particularly Greek, as well as publishing original research.) Al-Kwārizmī’s work on elementary algebra, al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr waʾl-muqābala (“The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing”), was translated into Latin in the 12th century, from which the title and term Algebra derives. Algebra is a compilation of rules, together with demonstrations, for finding solutions of linear and quadratic equations based on intuitive geometric arguments, rather than the abstract notation now associated with the subject. Its systematic, demonstrative approach distinguishes it from earlier treatments of the subject. It also contains sections on calculating areas and volumes of geometric figures and on the use of algebra to solve inheritance problems according to proportions prescribed by Islamic law. Elements within the work can be traced from Babylonian mathematics of the early 2nd millennium bc through Hellenistic, Hebrew, and Hindu treatises.n the 12th century a second work by al-Khwārizmī introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals (see numerals and numeral systems) and their arithmetic to the West. It is preserved only in a Latin translation, Algoritmi de numero Indorum (“Al-Khwārizmī Concerning the Hindu Art of Reckoning”). From the name of the author, rendered in Latin as algoritmi, originated the term algorithm.
A third major book was his Kitāb ṣūrat al-arḍ (“The Image of the Earth”; translated as Geography), which presented the coordinates of localities in the known world based, ultimately, on those in the Geography of Ptolemy (fl. ad 127–145) but with improved values for the length of the Mediterranean Sea and the location of cities in Asia and Africa. He also assisted in the construction of a world map for al-Maʾmūn and participated in a project to determine the circumference of the Earth, which had long been known to be spherical, by measuring the length of a degree of a meridian through the plain of Sinjār in Iraq.Finally, al-Khwārizmī also compiled a set of astronomical tables (Zīj), based on a variety of Hindu and Greek sources. This work included a table of sines, evidently for a circle of radius 150 units. Like his treatises on algebra and Hindu-Arabic numerals, this astronomical work (or an Andalusian revision thereof) was translated into Latin.
SOURCES:  Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia’s Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane by S. Frederick Starr